Use this attention grabbing theme to promote your brand new book. Brooklyn theme has everything you need. From great testimonial section, shareable quotes and book mock-ups to eye catching sections about the book and author. Scroll down to enjoy a free taste-test of Booklyn. Buy it today and launch it tomorrow.

About Booklyn


Booklyn has commented and easily editable code. It’s super easy to install and work with. The design is cool and modern. Obvious a cool place for stars like you and your book. Make easy sells or allow people to share about how great your book is. Booklyn is where your book shines.

Purchase Booklyn

It’s obvious a great decision that you can make today. And show it to the world tomorrow. Easy peasy.

If you want a website that is aesthetically appealing, intuitive, and professional, this is the place for you. The designs are very creative and the code super sound.

About The Author


You put hard work into your book. Sleepless nights, words cut and rewritten, happy ending. We, as well, put hard work into this theme. Long hours of work, lines of code written. A theme where your book can shine and get fast & easy to your readers. This is our happy ending.

Get a smooth experience and and have a wonderful flow with this awesome theme. The best place for your book in the virtual world.

After a few sections, I need to stop and take a break. Booklyn is breathtaking.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

One of the easiest theme that I worked with. I totally recommend Booklyn.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

I LOVE the design. It  has all the sections needed for a book landing page. I am very happy with this purchase.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Fully responsive, easy to customize, retina ready graphics, royal free images, sweet animations. All what Booklyn needs is my book added. Great purchase.

Shareable Quotes


About Booklyn

Booklyn is  amazing and very easy to work with. Purchase it today, launch it tomorrow.

Custom share text.

Created by Company Name – Copyright ® all rights reserved

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Het is jou natuurlijk niet ontgaan wat voor gevolgen COVID-19 heeft op onze maatschappij. Veel bedrijven krijgen klappen te verduren die invloed heeft op de bedrijfsvoering. Ook MrSoup Netwerkevents heeft hier onder te lijden. Het event van 8 mei a.s. mag op last van de overheid niet doorgaan. Wij wachten deze crisis daarom ook af voordat we met een nieuwe datum komen. Houd onze site in de gaten voor deze nieuwe datum.

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